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My Favourite 100 Books - 2024

Every three years I update my favourite 100 books and it's that time again. In the past three years I've read around 500 books, including...

The Big Festive Lit Quiz 2023

Here’s my annual 100 question literary quiz - Do have a go, and share the link so others can too. Good luck!

My Book of the Year 2023

What was my favourite fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children/YA and re-read in 2023? Come and find out…

Bookstagram recommends

Here are some reading recommendations from Bookstagram friends’ favourite reads of 2022 to give you some bookish inspiration!

My 2022 Book Of the Year

Come and read my 2022 reading wrap up. It’s chock full of great books and recommendations.

Reading and Hiking in Norway

A reading-travelogue of my hill walking, exploring and discovering Norwegian literature during a week’s holiday in Norway.

My Book of the Year 2021

2021. My best ever reading year. Well, since records began, in 2006. I suspect that between the ages of 18-25 I read 150-200 books a...

My favourite 100 novels - 2021

It's been over three years now since I listed my favourite 100 books and it's time for a review. I've read about 300 books in that time,...

Bookstagram and me

A bit about me and the world’s biggest book club - how I got into it, and what I love about it .

My Book of the Year 2020

2020. The weirdest year ever. The world turned upside down. But for a moment let's try to ignore Covid-19, Brexit and politics as much as...

Reading your way out of a Reading Slump

Hi again bibliophiles! Today’s blog is about Reading Slumps – what they are, how to recognise them and how to ease yourself out of them…...

My Book of the Year 2019

2019. What a big year. Crikey – so much happened! There was · A level results for youngest daughter and her going off for her first year...

In which I disappeared into a book…

Losing yourself in a book. We’ve all done it. Entering the world, becoming the character, forgetting yourself. It’s a wonderful and...

100 books I think you should read

In my last blog I asked What is a Classic? and I considered that possibly the best we could do would be to cumulate all our “100 books...

What is a classic?

I saw a fascinating-looking book the other day which I'd have bought if I'd not been on a book buying ban. It was called 'Why read the...

Hay on Wye – a town of books

Let me take you down to the borders of Wales and England, to a small and beautiful town nestling in the hills on the edge of the Brecon...

How many books should we keep?

30 books, Marie? Really? Well of course we all now know that’s not what she said. Or at least I hope we know that. What she said was ““I...

The Magic Re-reading Formula

Do books you have previously read call to you? Or do you just want to keep discovering new books and new authors? Today I am considering...

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